Monday, July 12, 2010

That's a bargain

Well my wife is now definitely a Nutley. She got the deal of a lifetime due to smart shopping and she's very proud of it.

We were looking for a rocking chair for the baby's room and had found a nice one at Sears in Guildford for $300. She wanted a green or white fabric one with darkwood. They didn't happen to have that exact one in the store so we decided that we would order it online that night.

Well we forgot.

The next day we headed down to the States to visit Sam's family. On their way to the mall, Sam and her Mother spotted a rocking chair outside of a thrift store. They swerved the car to the curb and jumped out. It was the exact chair that we had looked at in Sears. It was even still wrapped in the plastic.

As you can see by the price tag, we got a hell of a deal.

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