Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Signs of Improvement

The terrible two's have calmed down to the slight agitated two's. KOW. Hoping not to jinx myself.

Since my last post about Livi and her tantrums, her attitude has greatly improved. Sure we still get a blowout once in a while but it's much easier resolved. Not by just giving her what she wants but by distracting her or compromising the situation. (Take note Fehr/Bettman). I'm sure it's something we're going to be dealing with for a long time but like I've said before, we know it's normal and part of life. It's really not even that bad. Not complaining at all.

As for Emma, it's all smiles and blabbering. The happiest little face you'll ever see on a baby. She turned 4 months yesterday and went for her checkup at the doctor. Everything checked out normal and she's nice and healthy. KOW

Other than that, just getting everything ready for Christmas and Livi's 2nd Birthday party next month. Updates and pics to come!

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